Our Blood Runs Red Just Like Yours is a photo book in collaboration with The T Project, which runs a shelter and community centre for the transgender community in Singapore. The book features shelter residents and associates, sharing previously untold stories of their lives.

With the aim to shed light on this often misunderstood and marginalised community, Tusitala was to elevate the experience of a print photo book, through digital interactions.

Our Blood Runs Red Just Like Yours in 2021 was the first and only coffee table book since 2019 featuring The T Project and Singapore’s trangender community. 

Due to the sensitivity of the subject and with little publications seen thus far, we wanted the digital experience to allow readers to hear directly from the individuals interviewed for a more emotional connection, rather than to present more facts or readings on this topic.


We thought that the chance to access unedited interview clips with beneficiaries, conducted by photographer Eric Ng in the process of creating the photobook, would be most meaningful.

Such AR-activated audio experiences highlight voice, an important aspect of transgender identity, and allows listeners an intimate, direct engagement with the beneficiary.

How it works

When viewing selected pages of the book, one is able to simply tap on one’s smartphone, scan the image from the print publication, and the audio clip will then be activated by Augmented Reality (AR).

This would allow us to better convey these stories of strength in adversity, love amongst hate, and the courage to live one’s life authentically.

Ultimately, we wanted to enhance the aims of this book in showing that despite our misconceptions and uninformed prejudices, we are more alike than we are different.

Best Hybrid Book finalist

In September 2021, Our Blood Runs Red, Just Like Yours was one of the 109 submissions and 38 shortlisted titles, as the Best Hybrid Book finalist at the 6th Singapore Book Awards 2021.

Quotes from our collaborators

“As a photographer I consider it a privilege to be able to lend my voice to others through my imagery. I always believe that by sharing stories we can remind ourselves that ultimately we all are more alike than we are different.” – Eric Wk Ng, Matte

“I want my shelter to be redundant”… “Because that would mean that there will not be any homeless transgender individuals any longer. I am working towards making my shelter redundant. If in 20 years, there are still homeless transgender individuals who need a shelter, then I have not done a good enough job.” – June Chua, The T Project SG



More information available on the project website. Visit thetprojectsg.org to purchase the book.

Read our blog 

Getting into the mix of A/V/MR here

3D-printed tactile storybooks


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